Faith and Practice
Faith and Practice expresses FCNC’s sense of truth and purpose and describes the current structure and administration of the Yearly Meeting.
Here are the PDF files of our Updated and Approved Faith and Practice.
FCNC F&P Part I & II – Full Version with Table of Contents and Index. 2021 edition.
Approved 8-3-2019
This curriculum covers 13 weeks. There are five sections in both the adult and youth versions, including a wide variety of teaching methods. Our young people will enjoy learning this important material because it engages their interest and attention. Adults, new to your Meeting or old-time Friends, can always use a refresher course of challenges and reminders!
The curriculum is made up of the following sections:
I Have Called You Friends (Quaker History)
What Friends Believe
Life and Action (Testimonies)
Organization and Business
The Wider World of Friends